Old Campus
This page is dedicated to the old and new campus 29 October 2015.
17 September 2015 – Alford Primary School and Alford Academy are opening the doors of their existing schools on Thursday, 24th September, between 4pm and 7pm. This is an opportunity for former pupils and members of the local community, who have fond memories of the current school buildings, to say farewell to the “old” campus.
6 OOlctober 2015 – We have been celebrating this unique moment in our school history by taking photos and videos around the school.
It was only when we took a look at this photo later that we released that the Sky News Team were also helping keep an eye on our S6 during their study periods.
6 October 2015 – Last Friday, we took the decision to bring forward our informal whole school photo – part of our documentation of this unique moment in the history of our campus. With the weather forecast predicting rain for this week we wanted to capture the photo before the weather broke. We had a handful of pupils and staff on trips or training on Friday, so unfortunately it’s not quite every member of the Alford Academy Team, even so, for those viewing this post on Facebook, probably not worth trying to tag yourself or your friends!
7 october 2015 – A lovely visit from Jo & Jen, former pupils of Alford Academy, now both PE teachers. Quick tour of the building with lots of memories and laughs.
8 October 2015 – Arriving for the final Whole School Assembly of the Murray Terrace Campus.
8 October 2015 -Fun in the dining hall
8 October 2015 – S6 celebrating their final day in the Murray Terrace Campus
8 October 2015 – The S6 celebrating their final morning break in the Murray Terrace Campus (lus photo bombers)
8 October 2015 – Its may be the pupil’s last day in the Murray Terrace Campus, but the learning is still taking place. #Art
8 october 2015 – Psychopathology: Last pupil day in the Murray Terrace Campus, but the work goes on!
8 October 2015 – Even on the pupil’s last day in the Murray Terrace Campus, there was still time to find a new perspective on life.
8 October 2015 – Double birthday celebrations on the final pupil day in the Murray Terrace Campus.
8 October 2015 – Our final whole school assembly (Murray Terrace Campus) with a combined choir from Alford Primary and our entire S1.
8 October 2015 – A Piper’s farewell to the Murray Terrace Campus. The school pipe band saw us all out for the final time at the Murray Terrace Campus.
8 October 2015 – Like so many days before, today at Alford Academy has been filled with fun, laughter, joy, the occasional tear. As we have sought to document this final week, and now final pupil day in the Murray Terrace Campus, we hope that you have enjoyed these brief glimpses into what life is like here are Alford Academy. As the packing is now finalised, displays are taken down and the building falls silent, Those lucky enough to have been part of this building’s history will hopefully remember it full of life! The heart of our school is its young people, and although they have now left for the final time, thankfully that same heart will be there when learning begins again on Thursday 29th October 2015 in our wonderful new Greystone Road Campus.
24 October 2015 – It was wonderful to see around three and a half thousand people visit us today at the Alford Community Campus open day. Many people have shared their thoughts and photos from today on Twitter using the hashtag #alfordcc. If you have a photo or memory to share from today tag Alford Academy on Facebook or use #alfordcc on Twitter or other social media.
24 October 2015 – An alternative view of today’s campus open day
13 November 2015 – #AlfordCC – We are delighted to be able to share the video, created by former pupil Finn Sims, to celebrate the Community Campus Preview event. If you have not yet been able to come along and have a look at our fantastic new facilities, then this video will give you a flavour of what we as a community are now enjoying.
25 November 2015 – This has to be the photo of the day!
More pics to follow later, but if you want to have a flavour of the day.. these links might help
28 April 2016 – With our senior students starting exam leave next week we took advantage of a break in the weather today and headed outside for a few informal whole school photos.
24 June 2016 – Campus Life