z2021 June Visiting Alford Campus

z2021 June Visiting Alford Campus

The link for this page has been shared with you as you as someone who is being invited on campus but who is not part of our normal campus team.

This page was last updated on the 17 May 2021

Covid-19 Mitigations for on Campus Guests.


Please note the following mitigation which are in place and which we would expect you to follow.  We would strongly recommend a lateral flow Covid-19 test is undertaken the evening before your visit.

Stay at home if you

  • are living with someone who has coronavirus symptoms
  • have symptoms and are waiting for the results of a PCR test
  • have been told to self-isolate (e.g. because you are a contact of a positive case or you have a positive test)

Before entering the building

  • you must have confirmation that your visit has been approved by the school’s Head Teacher.
  • put on a face covering.
  • sanitise your hands
  • sign in
  • complete a test and trace contact form
  • sanitise your hands

While in the building

  • adults must continue to apply strict minimum 2m social distancing when in the campus
  • sanitise upon entering a room and upon leaving room, or regularly when handling resources
  • face coverings should be worn by all adults all times in school (except if exempt/eating/drinking).   We ask that you please wear the Type IIR face masks supplied.
  • where more than 1 person is handling resources disposable gloves must be used, and changed at appropriate intervals
  • wherever possible separate copies of paper resources should be provided for each person who is to handle them.
  • please only use the designated toilets during your visit.
  • where possible bring your own food and drink, and if the weather is favorable enjoy one of our outdoor eating areas.

After leaving a workspace we will sanitise the desk, and chair as appropriate.

We will leave doors and windows open, to ensure spaces are well ventilated.

When leaving the building

  • sanitise your hands
  • sign out
  • sanitise your hands
  • avoid gathering in groups outside the campus

Please be aware that there will not be on campus catering and we would ask you to bring your own food and drink during your visit.

Thank you for your support in keeping the risk to our community as low as possible.

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