Parent Council

Parent Council

Welcome to the Alford Academy Parent Council


With the start of the new school year,  a new Parent Council of 15 parents is elected to represent all parents of Alford Academy (the term “Parent” applies to parents, guardians and carers with parental rights and responsibilities).  The Parent Council includes parents from each of the year groups and would particularly like to encourage new S1 parents to volunteer – to find out more about how the Parent Council operates you can read our Constitution 

The Parent Council aims to:

  • Work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all pupils and parents.
  • Promote collaborative working between parents, families and the school.
  • Develop ways to actively engage parents to support children’s education, the welfare of the pupils and improve their outcomes.
  • Identify and represent the views of all parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and well-being of the pupils.


Parent Council meeting dates 2023/2024

  • Tuesday 19th Sept 2023 AGM
  • Monday 20th November 2023
  • Tuesday 23rd January 2024
  • Wednesday 13th March 2024
  • Tuesday 14th May 2024
  • Wednesday 19th June 2024 (P7 Parent Welcome and PC meeting)



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