School Improvement

School Improvement

Standards and Quality Report

Each year we publish our Standards and Quality Report.  This is based on “How Good is Our School?”, HMIe’s framework of Key Areas and Quality Indicators, which helps schools to recognise their strengths, identify areas for improvement, establish priorities for future school development, and report on their standards and quality.

Alford Academy’s most recent SQuIP (Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan) reports may be viewed using the links below:

SQUIP 2021 2023

SQUIP 2018-2019

SQUIP 2017-2018

SQUIP 2016-2017 (Summary)

SQUIP 2016-2017 (Full Version)


SQUIP 2014-15

SQUIP 2013-14

SQUIP 2012-13


School Improvement Plan

As we are halfway through the school session 2023-24 we are in a position to share our Updated School Improvement Plan.

School Improvement Plan – Update February 2024

School Improvement Plan – Update May 2024


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