Uniform Expectations
All pupils are expected to maintain a high standard of appearance and to wear school uniform during school hours and when representing the school. We appreciate the support of parents/carers in maintaining our school uniform.
From August 2024 our school uniform for S1-S3 pupils consists of:
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Alford Academy school tie
- Black jumper or sweatshirt (no logos or hoodies), tie to be visible
- Black skirt/trousers/leggings (all black, opaque, no logos)
- Black shoes or black trainer-type shoes
Purchasing School Uniform
School ties are available from the school office, please phone or email us for information. Order forms are available from school office or can be downloaded from the school website – School Tie Order Form 2024-25. Please note ad hoc orders for school ties that are lost or need replaced can be made any time during the school session. The cost of the school tie is £6. (We have limited stocks of clip on ties available for this session at a cost of £7). The remainder of the uniform for S1-S3 is generic and can be purchased from any retailer/supermarket.
PE Kit Expectations
- Pupils attending PE classes are expected to bring an appropriate change of clothing.
- Whether indoors or outdoors this change should include:
- T-shirt
- Shorts, Tracksuit bottoms, Sport Leggings
- Sports Sweatshirt (optional, dependent on weather)
- Appropriate Trainers (must be a change from school footwear)
- Appropriate swimwear and towel for swimming (goggles are optional)
- PE Kit should show an appropriate measure of modesty. School uniform will not be considered as a change of kit. Pupils who fail to bring all or part of their appropriate PE kit can borrow items from the spare kit held in the PE department. We operate a 100% PE Kit Policy which means all pupils bring PE Kit to every PE lesson. Full details can be found on the school blog
Uniform Expectations
All pupils are expected to maintain a high standard of appearance and to wear school uniform during school hours and when representing the school. We appreciate the support of parents/carers in maintaining our school uniform.
From August 2024 our school uniform for S4-S6 pupils consists of:
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Alford Academy school tie
- Black jumper or sweatshirt (no logos or hoodies), tie to be visible
- Black skirt/trousers/leggings (all black, opaque, no logos)
- Black shoes or black trainer-type shoes
- Optional – Black blazer with embroidered school badge (S4 – S6). The expectation is that all members of our pupil leadership team ie prefects etc will wear a blazer.
Purchasing School Uniform
School ties are available from the school office, please phone or email us for information. Order forms are available from school office or can be downloaded from the school website – School Tie Order Form 2024-25. Please note ad hoc orders for school ties that are lost or need replaced can be made any time during the school session. The cost of the school tie is £6. (We have limited stocks of clip on ties available for this session at a cost of £7).
School blazers are to be ordered via Alford Academy. Please phone or email us for information.
Sizes: Chest 22”-52”
Prices as at June 2024: £32.50 up to and including size 32, £37.50 Adult size 34 and above
How to order: Alford Academy purchase School Blazers wholesale from Stevensons uniform suppliers. Items are made specifically to order. Order forms are available from school office or can be downloaded from the school website. Blazers come in 2 styles – Girls’ fit is tapered at the waist for shape and the Boys’ is styled on a suit jacket. Deadline for orders for delivery to school for start of Session 24/25 is 26 June. Blazers can be collected from 19 August.
PE Kit Expectations
- Pupils attending PE classes are expected to bring an appropriate change of clothing.
- Whether indoors or outdoors this change should include:
- T-shirt
- Shorts, Tracksuit bottoms, Sport Leggings
- Sports Sweatshirt (optional, dependent on weather)
- Appropriate Trainers (must be a change from school footwear)
- Appropriate swimwear and towel for swimming (goggles are optional)
- PE Kit should show an appropriate measure of modesty. School uniform will not be considered as a change of kit. Pupils who fail to bring all or part of their appropriate PE kit can borrow items from the spare kit held in the PE department. We operate a 100% PE Kit Policy which means all pupils bring PE Kit to every PE lesson. Full details can be found on the school blog
Financial Assistance
Some families may be entitled to a school clothing grant of £120 per eligible Primary aged school children and £150 per eligible child for Secondary school aged children per financial year. More information about this can be found at:
In addition, we run a uniform resource for all families that can be accessed in the main entrance of the school campus. This resource includes a range of items and you can simply collect what you need. If the items / size you require is not available or you are unable to visit the resource in person then please contact Mrs Jo Munro, PT Equity, Excellence and Wellbeing (jo.munro@aberdeenshire.gov.uk) to discuss.
At various times during the school session our Parent Council may also offer a pre-loved uniform scheme where they collect donations of pre-loved uniform in good condition from parents which are then offered free of charge or for a small donation to any family at a table top event. Look out for further information on our school blog/Facebook page for information.