Online Safety Group Terms of Reference

Online Safety Group Terms of Reference

360 Safe Goal: 


The school has an active online safety group with wide representation from within the school, for example, senior leadership team, teaching and support staff (including Child Protection coordinator), parents and carers, children / young people and the wider community.  It has clear lines of responsibility and accountability which are understood by all members of the school.  The group is actively integrated and collaborating with other relevant groups in school. 


Alford Academy Online Safety Group 


Alford Academy Online Safety Group terms of reference (v20.1) 


To provide a consultative group that has wide representation from the school community, with responsibility for issues regarding online safety and the monitoring the online safety policy including the impact of initiatives.  


2.1 The online safety group will seek to include representation from all stakeholders. 

The composition of the group should include wherever possible, :

  • SLT member/Child Protection Officer or Depute CPO 
  • teaching staff member
  • teaching staff member
  • support staff member / technical support staff
  • parent / carer representation
  • pupil  representation – for advice and feedback.

2.2 Other people may be invited to attend the meetings at the request of the Chairperson on behalf of the group to provide advice and assistance where necessary.  

2.3 Group members must declare a conflict of interest if any incidents being discussed directly involve themselves or members of their families. 

2.4 Group members must be aware that many issues discussed by this group could be of a sensitive or confidential nature 

2.5 When individual members feel uncomfortable about what is being discussed they will be allowed to leave the meeting with steps being made by the other members to allow for these sensitivities 


The group will select a suitable chairperson from within the group. Their responsibilities include: 

  • scheduling meetings and notifying group members; 
  • inviting other people to attend meetings when required by the group; 
  • guiding the meeting according to the agenda and time available; 
  • ensuring all discussion items end with a decision, action or definite outcome; 
  • making sure that notes are taken at the meetings and that these with any action points are distributed as necessary    

Meetings shall be held every second month for a period of 1 hour(s). A special or extraordinary meeting may be called when and if deemed necessary. 


These are to assist the online safety co-ordinator (or other relevant person) with the following: 

  • to keep up to date with new developments in the area of online safety  
  • to (at least) annually review and develop the online safety policy in line with new technologies and incidents 
  • to monitor the delivery and impact of the online safety policy 
  • to monitor the log of reported online safety incidents (anonymous) to inform future areas of teaching/learning/training. 
  • to co-ordinate consultation with the whole school community to ensure stakeholders are up to date with information, training and/or developments in the area of online safety. This could be carried out through : 
    • staff meetings 
    • children / young people forums (for advice and feedback) 
    • surveys/questionnaires for children / young people, parents / carers and staff 
    • parents evenings 
    • website / learning platform / newsletters 
    • online safety events 
    • Internet Safety Day (annually held on the second Tuesday in February) 
    • other methods                            
  • to ensure that monitoring is carried out of Internet sites used across the school (if possible) 
  • to monitor filtering change control logs (e.g. requests for blocking / unblocking sites).  
  • to monitor the safe use of data across the [school]  
  • to monitor incidents involving cyberbullying for staff and pupils, and liaise with the schools anti bullying group.  



The terms of reference shall be reviewed annually from the date of approval. They may be altered to meet the current needs of all group members, by agreement of the majority  


The above Terms of Reference for The Alford Academy Online Safety Group have been agreed  29/9/2020.


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