Faculty of PE and Health

Faculty of PE and Health

Welcome to the Faculty of PE & Health.


Mr J Mayo (Head of Faculty)

Miss P Clark

Mr D Sandercock

Mr A Treasure

Kerry Barlow – Active Schools Coordinator

Kerry Butler – Active Schools Coordinator

Kit Policy

The aim of Alford Academy PE & Health Faculty is to inspire and engage all pupils to participate in every lesson and achieve their full potential through high quality learning and teaching and enhancing their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing.

It is understood, however, there are occasions when pupils will be unable to take a fully active part in a lesson due to a medical condition or as they recover from illness or injury. When this happens, the PE staff will endeavour to keep such pupils included and engaged in the lesson so they can continue their learning alongside their classmates.

Students can take up different roles and responsibilities that will not require them to be as fully or strenuously involved, but still allow valuable learning to take place, for example taking part as a scorekeeper, referee or peer observer. Students can also help coach during the lesson by evaluating performances and offer suggestions for improvements.

Therefore we aspire to have ALL students bringing full PE Kit. Pupils should arrive to and leave the PE Faculty in school uniform.

If your child is unable to physically take part in the lesson they are required to bring a parental note to explain the reason they cannot participate. They must still change into their PE kit. Only pupils with a medical reason, for example, a broken leg, are not expected to change.

When not taking a physically active part in PE and movement is limited, we encourage pupils to bring additional clothing such as a tracksuit, sweatshirt, jacket or waterproof clothing, so that they can keep warm and dry, if outside.


Evidence indicates that the health and wellbeing of young people affect their ability to achieve and their confidence to learn. PE not only develops physical wellbeing, but also mental, emotional and social wellbeing. Engaging all pupils in each lesson will help us raise attainment and help your child to achieve success and reach their potential. Even when unable to participate in the practical, pupils can play a vital role in the lesson and can develop valuable skills for life, learning and work eg. completing observation tasks, coaching and giving valuable feedback to their peers.

We believe that PE is unique in its ability to develop the ‘whole’ person. We value high quality PE lessons and the extended curriculum opportunities where our learners’ relationships, social development, fun and health are enhanced and promoted. We hope that, by working together, we can give your child the best chance of success in school.                                         

  “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try”. 

As we introduce this policy, each term will be a fresh start for pupils and the department will follow the above procedures. Pupils who have participated in every lesson and displayed hard work, respect, kindness, ambition and honesty will be recognised with PE points each term. Rewards and incentives may be awarded to pupils who show a commitment to PE for the full year.


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