Remote Assessment

Remote Assessment

Assessment is an important aspect of learning and teaching and can be considered in 3 general forms under the Assessment for Learning Framework.

Assessment as Learning
Assessment of Learning
Assessment for Learning

While assessment is embedded in all we do from time to time there is a need for what is also sometime called end point assessment or summative assessment.  These are the ‘traditional’ form of end of topic or end of unit assessments.  These forms of assessment are often particularly important in producing evidence in support of external qualifications.

While it is always preferable for such assessments to be undertaken on campus, for a variety of reasons this is not  always possible.

This page outlines some of the principles and processes we may use in supporting pupils to provide valid and reliable assessment evidence if unable to attend on campus.  Please note that remote assessment in not always possible and may not be suitable for every subject.

The most recent Guidance to Centers on the use of Technology support remote assessment can be found here

For an assessment to be considered valid we will do everything we can to ensure that

  • Assessment materials are kept confidential
  • Assessment evidence produced is the candidates own work
  • Candidates have access to the right assessment arrangements to ensure they are not unfairly disadvantaged
  • Candidates are not able to gain any unfair advantage

It is our policy to use SQA Malpractice principles and standards in relation to all assessments as appropriate.  During assessments, this includes, but is not limited to:

  • No access to unauthorised aids or resources
  • Only ‘reasonable assistance’ is given by school staff
  • No assistance is given beyond that provided by school staff
  • Assessments being timed
  • Candidates have an appropriate level of supervision
  • Candidates do not interact with other candidates
  • Candidates do not access email, the internet or mobiles phones

Assessment evidence may be analysed using software to check for evidence of plagiarism.

Parents and Carers may be asked to support in providing fair and reliably assessments, and may be asked to provide a written declaration that SQA standards were, to the best of their knowledge, upheld during remote assessments.

The SQA defines Plagiarism as ‘Failing to acknowledge sources properly and/or submitting another
person’s work as if it were your own.’

The SQA defines Collusion as ‘Copying work from another candidate and/or working collaboratively with other candidates on an individual task’.


The use of commercial remote proctoring or invigilation software is prohibitively expensive but with a few adjustments we can re-purpose existing tools and resources to help increase the validity of remotely produced evidence.

Possible strategies

  • An individual meet link provided to each student for them to connect their computer to, preferably with a web camera turned on.
  • If possible students would also be asked to connect a mobile phone to the same meet address and set up so that it had a viewing angle of the laptop or computer screen.
  • Candidates asked to submit a photo of their work space just prior to the assessment.
  • Answers entered directly into a shared google document which can be monitored in real time as well as reviewed at a  later stage using the draft back chrome extension
  • Staff monitoring each meet room (how many are possible) and each pupil document
  • Pupils removed from the classroom at the end of the assessment so that the materials remain secure.
  • Clear expectations and declaration embedded in the assessment evidence document




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