Interact Group
Welcome to the Alford Academy Interact Page
Alford Interact Club began in November 2009 when a core group of pupils responded to an invitation from the Rotary Club of Alford and District to start a Club in the school. By the end of 2009, the Club was well organized and very active with ambitious plans. This year, the Interact Club has been preparing to raise funds for and support a range of local and international charities and groups. Some of the events and charities are: ‘MacMillan’ coffee morning, ‘Poppy Appeal Scotland’, ‘Children in Need’ as well as their nominated charities.
We are also supporting the shoebox appeal this year.
We have 2 groups running at lunchtimes; S1-3 on a Tuesday and S4-6 on a Wednesday. Teachers Mrs Rees-Jenkins, Miss Lovelock and Mrs Fraser support the pupils.
Rotary International is a worldwide service organisation with more than 1.2 million members of 32,000 Rotary Clubs. Rotarians offer service in local communities, help build goodwill, peace and understanding in the world… and enjoy good friendship. Interact, a combination of the words international and action, is a service club within Rotary International for young people aged 14-18. Interact has a membership of over 250,000 young people in more than 11,000 clubs worldwide. Each club undertakes at least one local community project and one international project each year.