Young Musician of the Year
The Young Musician of the year deadline for applications has been delayed until 8th of March. We still strongly encourage pupils to get involved in this fantastic opportunity. Tickets will be on sale from Monday the 4th of March until the event, in the pupil entrance, at a cost of £2.50.
Junior Rangers Program
You will see posters around the school for the 2024 Junior Rangers Programme. This is a 6-day program open to any pupils from S1-S3. It takes place in May and you will head out to various locations in Aberdeenshire to learn about conservation and land management, working with Balmoral and Cairngorms rangers. There are only 15 places on the program so we are requesting that all pupils complete an application form. From this, pupils will be selected and informed if they have a place. If you would like more information and to collect an application form, please see Mrs Cameron or Mrs Niven in Humanities or Mrs Rees-Jenkins in Science. The deadline for handing in application forms is Friday 22nd March.
Red nose day 2024
The 15th of March is Red Nose day, and it will be a dress-down day with a donation for anyone who wants to wear their own clothes. Also, at lunchtime there will be a Teacher Taskmaster in the theatre with a price of 50p for entry. If you want to go, there will be some of the teachers in the school doing silly tasks. Please come and watch to help raise money to end child poverty. We will sell tickets for the Taskmaster event the week leading up to the event!
World Book Day Quiz
The library is holding two quizzes to celebrate World Book Day this week: Who Read What? And Who Said It? – Batman Or the Bard?
Everyone is welcome to take part.
There may be some prizes involved! Feel free to speak to Mrs BM in the library if you have any questions.