Parentsportal transforms communications between schools and parents / carers, enabling and creating a digital relationship between parents/carers, pupils and schools. It replaces the traditional schoolbag run with direct digital communications, providing parents / carers with secure access to a wide range of online services and information about their child’s education – all in one place, with a single sign-in. This can include permission slips, annual data check forms, school payments, appointments for parents’ evenings, and notices about school events (the services available through parentsportal may vary – check with your school to see what’s available).
Parentsportal App
A parentsportal app has recently been launched to help make communication between schools and parents/carers even easier. The app gives you access to school services and information about your child’s education online, doing away with the traditional ‘school bag run’.
The app is available for Apple and Android devices, and can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
A YouTube video has been created which gives further information about the app.
Free Bus Travel
If your child is between the ages of 5 and 10 you can apply for your child’s free bus travel card via parentsportal which will only take a few minutes to complete and will provide a swifter response and delivery of the card to the child’s home address. It is the most simple and straightforward way to apply for children in that age group – go to to sign-up or login now.
Annual Data Check
It is critical that schools hold up-to-date and accurate information about your child. Parentsportal ensures that annual data checks are accessed by parents/carers on a secure site and your school will issue an update when it is time to login to parentsportal so you can complete it online – please see guide below (if you don’t use parentsportal a PDF version will be issued and posted using Royal Mail).
Useful Links for Parents and Carers:
Aberdeenshire Council has a parentsportal page that has information on how to create an account.
parentsportal have a frequently asked questions section –